Shared Projects by Frostclaw20

Shared Projects by Frostclaw20

Tiny Slammer! ATT25/44/85 Breakout Board

2 layer board of 1.01 x 1.01 inches (25.6 x 25.6 mm)
Uploaded: February 5th 2018
Shared: June 8th 2018
Total Price: $5.05

This is a breakout board for the ATTiny 25/44/85 DIP chips. It allows you to use sockets to access the IO of the ATT chips, plus has an included resistor and led connected to pin PB0.

This is a breakout board for the ATTiny 25/44/85 DIP chips. It allows you to use sockets to access the IO of the ATT chips, plus has an included resistor and led connected to pin PB0.

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